Monday, May 13, 2013


It is with a very heavy heart that I write this post. Earlier this afternoon, Joe and I found out that we lost the baby.

About 3 weeks ago, Joe and I had a 1st Trimester screening. We got some blood results informing us that there was a 1:5 chance that the baby could have Trisomy 18/13. Trisomy 18/13 is a very rare gene defect that causes the 18th or the 13th gene to triplicate. It causes very serious birth defects. About half of babies with this defect are stillborn and around a majority don't make it past the 1st month. Joe and I were very devastated to find out this news, but were keeping hope that the odds were in our favor. Unfortunately the odds were not in our favor and Baby V did not make it. Our doctor informed us today she could not detect a heartbeat. She felt strongly that it was because of the Trisomy 18/13.

We want to thank you all for your support during this time, and ask that you send any message privately.

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