Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finishing Touches

Well, we finally added the shelf and some art work in the bathroom to really complete that project. This adds that visual interest I was talking about in a previous post. It's good to give the eyes something to look at in a small space, it gives them more to focus on than how small it is.

Target has these great flat wood shelves that come in a variety of sizes. The simplicity of them helps enhance the space without seeming too fussy. In small spaces clean lines are your best bet. Fancy scrolls and crown molding can really overwhelm the look you are going for. I picked up some cheap canvas prints from Bed Bath and Beyond, I love that place, and thanks to a house warming gift card they were free to me :). The orange print helps to break up the color scheme while complementing the palate.

Our goal for the weekend is to finish the basement, i.e. patch that dreadful hole. The next phase in that project will be those small details. Small details can always come along as you are working on other projects :). The next big redo will be the kitchen, let's hope there's still room in the budget! 

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