Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's about time

So, for the past year or so I have been suffering from an almost crippling disease, baby fever. This disease has left me constantly thinking of having a baby, almost weeping at the sight of a baby, and even contemplating the stealing of babies. I know my good friend Kim agrees with me when I say, this is a serious disease, people! 

To remedy this problem, I have decided to blog about it to make those who suffer from this disorder aware that they are not alone. There is help and a cure. Have a kid! 

The hubs and I have been talking, and talking, and talking, and talking about this delicate issue. We've decided to go ahead and give it a go sooner rather than later :). Once this decision was made, my serious disease turned into a serious reality. I go from moments of knock me up right now, to keep that thing away from me!!! It's a freaking huge commitment! I mean seriously, we would be adding to the already over populated world, and not to mention we are practically dirt poor! Like how are we going to feed this little human?? I am a huge advocate of, if you can't feed it don't breed it! With that said, I am also a huge advocate of, screw it, life always works out in the end. 

I have spent countless hours, days, weeks, and months debating this issue in my head. Do we have the cash? We'll never have the cash. Am I ready for this? I'll never know the answer to that until it happens. How can we make this work? Our house barely fits us! What will happen when I go back to work? What if I lose my job? What if Joe loses his job?? I mean the list is endless, people. I wouldn't even say that is a fraction of what I am thinking. It's stressful, and I'm not even close to being knocked up. Just the other night I had a melt down, and swore off ever having children! 

Now, since this baby fever is a serious disease, these set backs are a normal part of the process to getting better. I can honestly say that while I am exited at the prospect of adding to our family, I am scared as hell. I mean, I can barely make it through the week remembering to put deodorant on every day! I'm serious, people. I apologize to all I have to stand next to. 

Here's to a new adventure! Cheers, folks :) 

P.S. Joe does not approve this blog post ;p

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