Monday, April 8, 2013


First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes...... well you know the rest! That's right, folks, Joe and I are having a baby and the baby carriage! To answer your first question, yes, we are super excited, especially since we are not teens and this is not an unplanned thing. Second, yes, we were trying :).

One thing I dislike about FB is constant updates about pregnant bellies, and baby pics, and minute by minute updates, so any baby posts will be kept to the blog that way you can choose to read or not and I don't jam up your news feed when I turn into a pregnant belly posting fiend!

I also thought this would be a good place to answer all those common questions that we (mostly me) have been asked.

To start:

1. I have been feeling pretty fantastic. I got super lucky and have had almost no morning sickness. There was a moment early on where I almost bit it in the shower, but that was short lived.

2.  At this moment I am exactly 11 weeks and 6 days.

3. I have had some interesting food cravings, such as bacon. Those of you who know me, know I don't eat any pork products based on total moral, and recently I could eat it by the pound if I would let myself buy it. I killed a whole jar of Baby Gherkins on the way home from work one day, and if I don't have ice cream nightly I go a little Hulk on Joe.

4. I'm super emotional and cry a lot more than I would like- for example: the other night Joe had some food go down the wrong pipe and I burst into tears like a big fat weenie.

5. My patience is pretty much non-existent. I cursed out a lady in a parking lot for walking too slow in front of my car about 3 days ago. In my defense, she was taking her sweet time, and freaked out on me because I was stopped at a STOP sign.......

6. Finally, I would love it if this little bundle was a boy. I don't want to sit here and lie and say "As long as it has 10 fingers and 10 toes..." blah, blah, blah. I really want a little boy. Obviously, I will love it unconditionally if the baby is a girl, and she will be amazing, but I am rooting for a boy, and so is Joe.

I think that covers it :). If these questions get asked via FB I will politely direct you to this post :).


Here's a little something to leave you with :)
Baby V. waving hello.


Sharon Vassalotti said...

I am sooooo excited! Thanks again for letting me tag along today. It was amazing watching Baby V. wave. Don't worry about the tears. Joe can handle it.

Joe and Sarah said...

:)He's actually pretty used to it. I just don't think he's used to seeing me cry at nonsense things :). It was a lot of fun having you guys tag along today!! Can't wait for the big reveal!!!

Shirley Tippett said...

It was very exciting!! I am looking forward to watching Baby V grow over these next months. I will admit I did get tears in my eyes seeing my babies baby. Thanks for letting me share in the moment!!!! Love you guys

Ashley W said...

I am sooo happy for you both! I KNOW you will be a great mommy!! And Joe a great dad! Can't wait to see more pics! This baby will have so many wonderful people to love him/her!! Congrats and I will be following your blog :) Love you!!