Well here we are at the 38 week mark. Little Miss' due date is just 2 weeks away! I'm hoping she stays put a bit longer so I can selfishly have more time at home with her. The longer she bakes the less likely I have to return to work before summer break :). Although, she did follow through and stay put on my birthday, so I don't want to be too greedy ;).
I was recently going over all the progression pics and I can't believe how much my body has changed. It is definitely unrecognizable right now. The belly is taking over everything, and my swelling has become so bad that my boot cut jeans have tuned into skinny jeans! I broke down tonight and purchased some compression stockings hoping they will help alleviate some of the swelling. It's hard walking around when you feel like your ankles and feet have fused together.
People, I should say strangers, seem shocked when I tell them that I am still working, and I commented to Joe today that I don't think I'm too large until I see the look people give me when they see me. Apparently I'm huge. We were walking around the mall today and I got some looks that were enough to make me want to stay in hiding until this kid comes out.
I decided to put together a little collage of the progression of Little Miss growing, and hope that I will be able to get back to that tiny specimen of a girl in the top left pic. I mean, I can't even remember what she looked like!
That's all for now!!
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