We have finally received a table! Yes, folks, since we've moved in, Joe and I have been slumming it in front of the TV on TV trays or our laps for our meals. Thanks so very much for the early Christmas gift from Joe's parents, Mark and Sharon. Their generosity has finally given us a place to have meals like civilized people. For the record, the table was supposed to be acquired when we first moved in. I decided that a new bathroom and a cool basement were more important to me. Even though I chose those things over the table, I have been complaining about not having one every day. That day arrived on Friday night :). As I was recovering from a bout of the flu, I helped Joe carry in all the pieces and he helped me put the table together. You read that right, folks, Joey helped! I seem to think it was mostly because I was still feeling quite ill, but I'll take any help I can get. All kidding aside, he was a great help and I was glad to have it. Tables come in about 1,000 pieces for those of you who don't know. To my surprise, even though I really should stop being surprised, we had to put the chairs together. Silly me thinking a thing like a table would come assembled. With some trial and error, we were able to get the table together and in place. I have to say I am tickled pink with the new table. It's a beautiful sight to see coming down the stairs every morning. Since it has joined us 3 days ago, I have had my coffee at it, dinners have been shared, and some planning for school has happened. With that said, come on over, friends, and share a meal with us, but please only a few at a time since we have limited space :).
Feeling nostalgic :) |
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