Other than that, it was a pretty good appointment. I'm measuring a little above 32 weeks, which is probably due to the fact that I'm officially a fatty, or the fact that big babies run in the fam. I weighed in at a sensible 9lb 7oz at birth. If I'm still measuring a little a head, at my next appointment, we'll get to take a peek at Little Miss and get an estimated weight on her :).
Other than having to starve myself for the next 9 weeks, things have been going well. Hazel's room is practically finished. The cityscape is painted, and looks absolutely amazing, and all the artwork is hung. I've washed all her clothes (the ones we've received so far) and her diapers are washed and waiting for a cute little rump to fill them. We're just waiting on the crib to be set up, and then her room will be ready and waiting for her arrival :). No updated pics on the room, or of the cityscape, till the crib gets here. Sorry, folks :). The good news is, the crib will be set up this weekend, so only a little longer :).
Thanks to this lovely snow fall, and a planned extra long weekend from the county, I feel like I have finally caught up on some sleep! I don't want to jinx anything, but after about 3 weeks of little to no sleep, I've gotten a solid 6 hours a night since Friday!!! I can honestly say that 6 hours of sleep feels amazing! I was getting about 2-3 hours..... Not so fun.
Well, that's it for now, here's an updated pic of Hazel and me.
Little Miss and I, 31 weeks |
Little Miss and I, 20 Weeks |
I'm sorry, but if your doctor would have said that, it would have been awesome! You look fabulous! I can't wait to see the pictures of Hazel's room!
Haha!! I would have dies laughing if she had really said that. It would've been awesome :-)
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